Amazibition offers the possibility to transform shopping malls or airports into a great adventure arena. Versatile stations and exciting themes provide varied entertainment for guests and interesting activities for children. Interactive stations and colorful design concepts are the order of the day at our exhibitions for children for rent. The exhibitions are stand-alone, which means without any supervision or personnel. This saves additional effort and expensive personnel costs. With us you can rent a stand-alone exhibition for children, but if you wish you can also supplement it with workshops, artists and walking characters. An important part of many of our exhibitions are the lifelike exhibits that can move and make sounds, which makes them particularly exciting exhibits for children of all ages. There are also interactive games to impart knowledge and experiential information boards that are prepared so that children who cannot yet read can grasp the information. The advantage of an exhibition for children for rent is that your venue invites them to stay and also to come back. You tie positive emotions with your shopping center or museum. Our exhibitions are clear frequency bringers: more frequency = more turnover! The advantage of these long-term exhibitions over one-off events is that you reach more people over a longer period of time. You have the possibility to choose one of our different themed exhibitions or to plan an individual desired exhibition together with us. Book exhibition for children now!